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The Smart Marketer Podcast

Oct 7, 2021

If you’re looking to diversify your content with Google & YouTube - or just have more success on these platforms, this two-part series is the best place to start. 

John Grimshaw talks with Brad Curry, the award-winning OMG Commerce CEO, a Smart Marketer Faculty member, and one of YouTube’s Top Spenders! You’ve probably seen Ads for many of his clients, True Earth, Native, True Beard, and many more. 

Today Brett shares his insights on Smart Shopping, bid adjustments, and the current behavioral data. Plus, Brett provides a few quick campaign ideas if you’re looking to increase your Q4/Holiday impact.

“Even right now with all the craziness going on…I still believe this is one of the best times to diversify and get started on YouTube and Google ads”. Brett Curry.


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